Kokopelli | Edmonton, AB

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Founded in 1996, Kokopelli celebrates its 20th season in 2015/2016. Kokopelli was the winner of both the 2015 National Music Festival and the 2015 Canadian Competition for Amateur Choirs (Mixed Youth Choir Category). Although we are thrilled with these results, our goal remains to let the music be our motivation as we strive to provide a positive and excellent learning experience for all members in our choirs.

The choir aims to share music across the boundaries of culture and place, using song as a tool of communication and community. Kokopelli has been featured at the Rocky Mountain National Music Festival, Podium (the biannual conference of the Association of Canadian Choral Communities), the regional conference of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), and the International Society of Music Educators conference. In addition to many North American cities, the choir has toured to Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Malaysia, Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland and Zambia.

The choir is thrilled to be attending the Canadian Rocky Mountain Festival for the 19th consecutive year. We wish to thank the organizers and volunteers for helping to make this Festival a tremendous success once again this year.



  • Saturday, April 23, 2016 
    6:30 PM |  Rolston Hall | Sorry, sold out.
    7:45 PM |  Rolston Hall | Sorry, sold out.
    9 PM  |  Rolston Hall | Sorry, sold out.