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Melodie Langevin | Director
Nestled in a cozy town residents affectionately refer to as “The Cove” in North Vancouver, BC, Seycove Secondary School is small but vibrant. Despite having a student population of just under 500, Seycove is home to 12 performing ensembles, seven of which are choirs.
Seycove Secondary Senior Chamber Choir is an auditioned group of singers in Grades 9‐12 who are passionate about music, athletics, social justice and getting involved in their community. The students dedicate a great deal of time and energy to this ensemble, performing varied and difficult choral repertoire at numerous events throughout the year. They value the opportunity to explore their musicality and expressive potential through the pursuit of musical excellence.
Over the years, Seycove’s Sr. Chamber Choir has participated in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Festival, the Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festival, the Performing Arts Consultants’ Festival in New York, the Cap Choral Intensive, Vancouver’s Music Monday, and the UBC Invitational Choral Festival. The students are thrilled to be participating in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Festival again this year, and they look forward to sharing their music with you!
PERFORMING: Thursday, April 12, 2018 | 7 PM | Rolston Hall