University of Pretoria Youth Choir | Pretoria, South Africa

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University of Pretoria Youth Choir

Lhente-Mari Pitout | Director

The University of Pretoria Youth Choir is part of a generation of South Africans that has, as a reference point in their history, the struggle for freedom and peace. This multi-racial teenage choir represents the colours of peace by embracing the qualities that diversity brings to the table. The singers are part of the born free generation that embodies the philosophies of our international icon, the late Nelson Mandela. The concept Ubuntu, the Nguni term that means: ‘human kindness’ that in the philosophical sense translates to ‘the universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity’, is part of the fabric of this unique choir from South Africa.

This wonderful regional multicultural youth choir consist of 95 singers between the ages of 14 and 19 years old from 36 schools in the greater Tshwane area in Gauteng South Africa. They represent the full diversity of South Africa.

In 2016 the choir tours Canada to showcase African music and to inspire at three international festivals: Edmonton Cantando Festival; Rocky Mountain Festival in Banff, and the Whistler Cantando Festival. The choir has been invited to the 9th Choralies Festival to perform our musical production Naledi, an African Journey, written in all 11 official South African languages, at France’s Choralies Festival to an estimated audience of  7,000.

We look forward to renewing old friendships, building new friendships and sharing our passion for music with our Canadian friends.


  • Friday, April 22, 2016  |  2 PM  |  Rolston Hall | Sorry, sold out.
  • Saturday, April 23, 2016 
    3:30 PM  |  Rolston Hall | Sorry, sold out.
    6:30 PM |  Rolston Hall | Sorry, sold out.
  • Saturday, April 23, 2016  |  9:30 PM  |  Eric Harvie Theatre | Tickets are still available.